Saturday, May 17, 2008


Both pre-departure training and in-country training were so awesome! Everyone involved in this experience is amazing, we get to know each other well, become great friends, and we grow together as we push our learning.

We cover everything from safety, security, and wellbeing (including potty-training), understanding culture and approaches, the big ideas of rural livelihoods and economics, intercultural communication (how to talk to people, why integrate), power & privilege, the development sector, field methods (i.e. participatory approaches), several presentations, interviews with “farmers”, analyzing case studies, and playing thoughtful as well as thoughtless games.

Some big questions I’ve contemplated:
-What is development? Is it reducing vulnerability? Is it simply happiness?
- What makes a good leader? Why is this important?
- How will being a ‘reflector’ influence me/my work? How can I do things differently?
- What’s involved in the ‘iceberg’ part beneath the water when considering the concept of time, culture, etc.?
- How do you reduce your perceived [white western] power, and why?
- What is it really like to be a farmer in Ghana? What assumptions are involved?

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